There’s no need to prove yourself

Matthew Deyn
1 min readMay 26, 2018

When we prove ourselves we’re saying:

How can I be better to stand out amongst my peers?

What’s next?

Why aren’t I as good as him/her?

This can lead to lack of focus about what makes the person in question unique. Their talents, drives and motivations. Who they are at their core.

In effect it’s clouds on a sunny day. And who’s into that?

Better questions to ask could be:

How could I better use what I already have?

Who haven’t I reached out to today?

How could I approach my work differently?


Who do I want to become?

Every choice we make is an opportunity to be of service to others.

But when we see it as proving ourselves we actually shoot ourselves in the foot.



Matthew Deyn

Working in tech. Growth seeker and specialty coffee lover. Drinks a lot of black coffee. From the UK, based in Prague, CZ.