Innovation is free

Matthew Deyn
1 min readJun 1, 2018

Without new ideas, methods and practices things remain the same.

Not everyone wants change and many are happy doing what they’ve always done but for those looking for solutions innovation is great way to begin.

A new idea can can be inspired by an insightful video or conversation, a chance meeting with a friend or a change in perspective.

A new method could be found by reallocating resources, holding an open forum or working to a budget.

A new practise means building a better habit consistently, becoming more aware of how you show up in the world and seeking to refine it.

Devices such as the iPhone allow us to connect with most of the world straight from our fingertips. To innovate here we must seek to be creative, challenge assumptions and stand for what we believe in on a regular basis.

All of this can equate to better outcomes, more effective solutions and new approaches.

If we make the choice to innovate then things improve. All that is needed is a little effort and imagination.



Matthew Deyn

Working in tech. Growth seeker and specialty coffee lover. Drinks a lot of black coffee. From the UK, based in Prague, CZ.